Add or Remove Tags from Search

Learn what Tags are and how to use them.

What is a Tag?

A Tag is a way to label products to group them together. For example, if you are writing an article about the Top Household Products, you can Tag every product that you will be including in the article as "Top Household Products May 2024."

Add a Tag

There are two different ways you can add a Tag.

Add a Tag through Search:

  1. To add a Tag through Search, search for a product. When you find the product you want to Tag, click the Tag Icon.

  2. Type in the name of the Tag you want to add.

Add a Tag from the Added to Channels Page:

  1. You can also add a Tag by heading over to the Added to Channels Page. When you find the product you want to Tag, click the Tag Icon.

  1. Type in the name of the Tag you want to add.

Both of these methods will allow you to Tag a product.

Remove a Tag

Just like with adding a Tag, there are two different ways you can remove a Tag.

Remove a Tag through Search:

  1. To remove a Tag through Search, search for a product. Each product will show how many Tags it has. When you find the product you want to remove a Tag from, click the Tag Icon.

  1. Click the x of the Tag you would like to remove.

  1. The Tag will now be removed from that product.

Remove a Tag from the Added to Channels Page:

  1. You can also remove a Tag by heading over to the Added to Channels Page. When you find the product you want to remove a Tag from, click the Tag Icon.

  1. Click the x of the Tag you would like to remove.

  1. Click Done.

The Tag will now be removed.

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