Advanced Search Filters

Advanced Search Filters refine and narrow down your search results.

To use the Advanced Search Filters, toggle Advanced Search to "on," on the Search page.

Search products in Amazon or Non-Amazon products

Select the checkbox next to the products you want to search for.

You can search for only Amazon products.

You can search for only Non-Amazon products.

You can search for both Amazon and Non-Amazon products simultaneously.

Search by Price

The Price filter lets you search for products that match the exact price(s) you specify.

Less than: search for products priced below a specific amount

Equal to: search for products that match a specific price.

Greater than: search for products priced above a specific amount

Between: search for products within a specific price range.

Search for Products Currently Selling at Discounted Price

The Search for Products Currently Selling at Discounted Price filter allows you to find products that are currently being sold at a reduced price.

Exclude Duplicates

Duplicates can be excluded based on name, image, URL, or a combination of the three.

Excluded based on name: products with the same name will be removed from your search results, only the most relevant product will be displayed.

Excluded based on image: products with the same image will be removed from your search results, only the most relevant product will be displayed.

Excluded based on URL: products with the same URL will be removed from your search results, only the most relevant product will be displayed.

Exclude based on name, image, and URL: products with the same name, same image, or same URL will be removed from your search results, only the most relevant product will be displayed.

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